Collection: Elise DiGiuseppe Unframed Originals

Elise DiGiuseppe (WA) Unframed Originals Collection
*Each piece comes with clear protective sleeve and cardboard backing

Artist statement:
My work often contains botanical images with an edge. I’m a gardener, acutely aware that climate change is affecting the health of the plants I steward. Increasingly hot summers bring new insects and stress the native bees. My garden brings me food and beauty, but also a microcosmic view of a greater impending calamity. This unease expresses itself visually too, in my abstract paintings, drawings, and collages. 

I live in a built-up, altered suburban city, on Native land whose salmon-bearing river has been leveed into capitulation. I spent ten years living in larger cities–New York and Seattle, respectively–and continue to seek out the art and energy that these cities contain. I like to bring the banality of suburbia, the vibrant potential of cities, and nature’s cameo appearances together in my work.

My 32-year career as a librarian was bracketed by two seminal periods of art study and practice: a foundational year at School of Visual Arts (NYC, 1975-76) and my return to art-making in 2018. My daily practice propels my explorations, and I'm eager to share my work with the world.